Sunday, January 13, 2013

27 things I've learned and been taught in these 27 beautiful years.

1. There is no love like the love your child will fill your heart with. 
2. Be thankful for your health, money cannot buy this or fix this for you. 
3. Money cannot buy love, respect, or happiness, anyone who pretends so is to be pitied. 
4. Fancy cars, houses and material things are of this world and not of importance. You can't take them with you and God does not care what you drive- give it away. 
5. If you're going to spend money on something, make it count. 
6. Give more than you receive, and be watchful for those who have less, they may be angels.
7. Just because you give your money does not mean your "good works" are done, this does not make you a good person. 
8. Not everyone cares about the education of their child, but don't let this hinder your responsibility to your own child. 
9. When you have a child, know that you are mama bird, only you can protect your baby, and this is your duty. 
10. Don't finance things you should pay cash for, like almost everything. 
11. Have patience, time will assist in your growth of this. 
12. Play, laugh, run and tickle every chance you get, these are the moments that matter. 
13. Spend time with family & friends, they will not always be around. 
14. Spend at least 1 hour a week talking to your mother or father. 
15. Don't let a fight ruin a good friendship. 
16. Remember that the last hug, last kiss, last smile, last argument can always be your last. Resolve issues quickly, you may not always have the chance.  
17. Parents who lie raise children who are liars. 
18. Speak up and stand up for yourself, even when you have to stand alone. 
19. Love each other as God has loved you. John 15:12
20. Forgive quickly
21. Pray for yourself as well as others
22. Marriage is forever, so plan a marriage not a wedding. 
23. Take time to bask in the beauty of God's creations dally. 
24. Speak only soft words of those you love, harsh words harden the heart. 
25. Struggles make you stronger, more dignified and they add necessary character to your soul. 
26. Everything really does happen for a reason, so take time to listen to what God is trying to tell you- or you may have to repeat your lesson over and over. 
27. Love unconditionally, without bias, without favoritism,  without grudge, and forgive for yourself. 

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